Monday, April 21, 2008


i just picked my foam up today and it is freaking awesome! no worries about cutting straight or getting the right size, it's so easy. (i've got one unclaimed piece left, so get em while they're hot!)

specialty boards

i don't know if this is the best way to arrange them...i played with it forever and then just got tired of it. Does it need labels?

Saturday, April 19, 2008


here's the catalogue as it is thus far. I'm still thinking about how i want to put the type in
...i'm definitely open to suggestions.

specialty items

here are my specialty items...i've decided i'm only really good at outdoor photography (sans flash) so i took these on my front porch. Here's the progression:

Friday, April 18, 2008

attention to program applicants!

I have a access to a uline account and found this foam that would be perfect for portfolios (under 24"x24") i want to get one (they're $19 per sheet) but they sell by the carton, so in this case it would be $102 to get this on my own. so if you're interested please let me know ASAP.


So, i'm doing a catalog for my final piece and i want to use that kind of magazine paper for it. Does anyone have an idea what kind of paper i could use or where to get it?

final boards for ads

i know these are old news, but i've just been trying to get all of my boards (and thoughts) together.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Final project ideas

Inspiring magazine/catalog images for my brochure piece. (i'm pretty sure i'm doing a catalog for this project if i can convince the Moxie lady to give me products to photographs.)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


here's just a little sticker for the specialty gift wrap i'm creating for moxie. I'm planning on this being used on the gift bags.